Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Episode 69- Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Tyler and Alex try to carefully approach a movie that has become oddly controversial recently.

Find us
on iTunes, online at herecomethesequels.blogspot.com, through email at
herecomethesequels@gmail.com, and on Twitter @HCTSequels.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Episode 68- Alien Covenant

Tyler and Alex take an intergalactic detour into stupid.

Find us on iTunes, online at herecomethesequels.blogspot.com, through email at herecomethesequels@gmail.com, and on Twitter @HCTSequels.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Episode 67- Revenge of the Sith

Tyler gives in to hate over the course of the podcast; Alex watches in horror while shouting something about being in an elevated location.

Find us on iTunes, online at herecomethesequels.blogspot.com, through
email at herecomethesequels@gmail.com, and on Twitter @HCTSequels.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Episode 66- Attack of the Clones

Tyler and Alex review... something.

Find us on iTunes, online at herecomethesequels.blogspot.com, through email at herecomethesequels@gmail.com, and on Twitter @HCTSequels.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Episode 65- The Phantom Menace

Tyler and Alex discuss a movie. It is bad. We also use some clips from a Taylor Swift song. We don't own it, and it is also bad.

Find us on iTunes, online at herecomethesequels.blogspot.com,
through email at herecomethesequels@gmail.com, and on Twitter @HCTSequels.